
Terms to Explain

by Gooi Ai Moon

  • Bai Tian Gong(拜天公)- The celebration of Jade Emperor’s birthday which fall on the 9th day of Chinese New Year.

  • Red Turtle Cake(红龟糕)- Chinese red rice cake which considered an auspicious colour while its tortoise shell-shape symbolizes longevity.

  • Huat Kueh(发糕)- A kind of steamed bun which the Chinese usually use for praying, while ‘Huat’ means wealth in Hokkien.

  • House of Jade Emperor(天公座)- A type of paper offering which specially made dedicating to the Jade Emperor during Bai Tian Gong

  • Sugar cane(甘蔗)- Sugar cane in Hokkien dialect sounds like ‘kam siah’ (thank you), therefore the Hokkiens used a pair of sugarcane to express their appreciation to the Jade Emperor.

  • Kongming Lanterns(孔明灯)- A small hot air balloon made of paper, with an opening at the bottom where a small fire is suspended. Usually the Chinese flies the lantern to make a wish.

See also

1 comment:

  1. Please advise whether the set up and the offerings is the same with marriage time prayer?
